Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Toń CD

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Toń  CD


Format CD
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Thursday, 22 December 2022
Number of discs 1


PALE MANNEQUIN „ TOŃ „ mini album CD digipack


It is not easy to break out of the depths of everyday life, routine, passing time and mediocrity. It’s not enough just to really want something. The whirlwind of mundane matters always drags you down. And when DEEP (TOŃ) surrounds you, all you have to do is reach even lower and bounce off the bottom.

And then, when you look around, you’ll see fragments of pale mannequins around to help you ascend. Their singing will show you the way.

This is how Pale Mannequin’s third album sounds like.

Recorded in the cult Izabelin Studio under the watchful ear of Andrzej Puczyński, it more and more boldly goes beyond the framework of the prog-rock climate and for the first time indulges in the maxim “Poles are not geese that they have their own language”.

The album “TOŃ” makes a sharp turn towards energetic and concert music. Since the Warsaw band feels best on stage, it was this energy that they wanted to convey on the album. Changing the language of the lyrics to Polish makes the new music much more personal than previous albums. And although musically it is very rock, the lyrical layer has remained typically dark.


1. Dzień bez marzeń
2. Ty tam, to ja
3. Naspojrzenie
4. Toń

Tomasz Izdebski (Vocals, Guitars, Synths)
Grzegorz Mazur (Vocals, Guitars)
Jakub Łukowski (Drums)
Dariusz Goc (Bass)

Hits 1212
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