Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



“SLEEPERS” 2LP vinyl

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“SLEEPERS” 2LP vinyl


Format Vinyl
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Number of discs 0


GALAHAD – “SLEEPERS” 2LP / 2 x vinyl

Reedycja 3ciego albumu Galahad wydanego w 1995 roku. Zremasterowany przez Karla Groom’a w 2015 z bonusem z 2015 roku, plus Suffering In Slilence z pierwotnej wersji japońskiej płyty, na wersji winlowej dodatkowo alternatywna wersja Pictures Of Bliss i wersja Exorcising Demons z 2015 roku. Wydany pierwszy raz na winylu. Przez wielu fanów uważany za najlepszy album progresywnej legendy.


Sleepers, probably the best Galahad album from ’90s for the first time on vinyl. Release contains 3 bonus tracks. Limited edition of 150 black vinyl, and 350 of white vinyl from the first press.


One of the major names amongst the British Neo-Prog scene for years. Their music blends melodic moods and with heavier parts and the strong vocals are a trademark over an orchestrated instrumental. The medieval themes are constant on their lyrics. They have evolved to something quite a healthy new view on progressive rock. Fans of IQ, PALLAS and MARILLION should enjoy their music a lot.

First time on vinyl.


Studio Album, released in 1995/2020

Songs / Tracks Listing
Side A: 17:02

1. Sleepers 12:21

  1. Julie Anne 4:41

Side B: 22:26

1. Live And Learn 10:09

  1. Dentist Song 4:04

  2. Pictures Of Bliss 2:06

  3. Before, After And Beyond 6:07

Side C: 21:09

  1. Exorcising Demons 9:16

  2. Middleground 6:02

  3. Suffering In Silence 5:51

Side D:

  1. Amaranth 11:45

  2. Pictures Of Bliss (alternative version) 2:11

  3. Exorcising Demons (2015 version) 9:43


Re-mastered by Karl Groom at Thin Ice Studios, Surrey, England – July 2015


Pictures of Bliss (Alternative version) recorded, edited and mixed by Dean Baker and Karl Groom

Dean Baker: Keyboards and orchestration on Pictures Of Bliss (Alternative version).

Exorcising Demons 2015 recorded, engineered and mixed by Karl Groom at Thin Ice Studios.

2019 vinyl edition mastering by Ryszard Kramarski at Lynx Music Studio, Poland, August 2019

2019 vinyl edition artwork by Maciej Stachwowiak.


Line-up / Musicians

  • Stuart Nicholson / vocals

  • Roy Keyworth / guitars

  • Spencer Luckman / drums

  • Neil Pepper / bass, guitar & keyboards

  • Dean Baker / keyboard


- Tim Ashton / bass on Side D. Tr.3

- Paul Beavis / additional percusion, octopad

- Kathy Smyth / operatic vocals on Side A. Tr. 1


2LP – WHITE VAX - 1st EDITION 350 items.

LP – BALCK - Numbered LIMITED EDITION 150 items.

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