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Ethermedia 2024 (CD digipack )

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Ethermedia 2024 (CD digipack )


Format CD
Type Lynx Music
Added on Thursday, 28 December 2023
Number of discs 0


FRAMAURO -Ethermedia 2024 (CD digipack )

premiere 8th January 2024


Nowa wersja pierwszego albumu Framauro “ etermedia “ z 1998 roku.

Tym razem wszystkie 10 utworów zaśpiewał Ryszard Kramarski.

Nowe ślady , nowe aranżacje oraz nowy miks Kamila Konieczniaka ( Moonrise |)

Oto co na temat tego albumu mówi sam autor Ryszard Kramarski :

Po zaskakującym bardzo dobrym przyjęciu albumów Framauro – My world is ending oraz Alea iacta est często pytano mnie czy pierwszy album Etermedia z 1998 roku zostanie wznowiony ?! Mimo tego , że spora część materiału z płyty Etermedia pojawiła się w 2018 roku na albumie tRKproject “ Sounds from the past “ to wersja ta nie spełniła moich oczekiwań. Podczas pracy nad albumem Alea Iacta Est w 2023 roku postanowiłem powrócić do śladówz sesji “Sounds from the past” by dograć swoje wokale oraz nowe partie instrumentów klawiszowych , gitar oraz nowych parti gitar Marcina Kruczka i Fretlessa Krzysztofa Wyrwy. W ten sposób powstały nowe utwory oraz nowe aranżacje albumu Ethermedia 2024 .

Miks albumu zrobił Kamil Konieczniak ( Moonrise ) , a nowe tłumaczenia tekstów wykonał Zdzisław Zabierzewski.

Osobiście uważam , że tak właśnie powinien ten album brzmieć w 1998 roku !

Jak to się mówi : Do trzech razy sztuka !

To ostatnia 3 definitywna wesja albumu Etermedia !


It is a brand new version of FRAMAURO's first album “Ethermedia“  from 1998.

This time, all ten songs have been sung by Ryszard Kramarski himself.

The album now features newly re-recorded tracks, new arrangements and a new final mix of the whole material by Kamil Konieczniak (of Moonrise).

Here is what Ryszard Kramarski, the creator of all these songs, says about his album:

After a surprisingly good reception of Framauro's latest longplays "My world Is Ending" and "Alea Iacta Est", I was frequently asked whether the very first album titled "Ethermedia" (from 1998) would ever be re-released?! Despite the fact that much of the "Ethermedia" material had been included on TRK Project's 2018 album called “Sounds from the Past“, that freshly cosmeticized version did not fully meet my expectations. Therefore, during my work on the "Alea Iacta Est" album in 2023, I decided to get back to the tracks from the session for “Sounds from the Past” in order to record and add my vocals as well as new parts with my keyboards and guitars, Marcin Kruczek's guitars plus Krzysztof Wyrwa's fretless pieces. Thus, all of the self-covers and new arrangements to the "Ethermedia 2024" album were produced.

The entire mixing session for this album  have been carried out by Kamil Konieczniak (of Moonrise), and the new poetic translations of the lyrics have been made by Zdzisław Zabierzewski.

My personal opinion is that now it really feels like the closest thing to how this album should have sounded in 1998!

As they say: Third time lucky!

And this is the final and ultimate, third version of the "Ethermedia" album.



Visionary For Heaven

Brainwashed By Mass Media

The Fairly Tales Of A Stranger

Welcome To My Channel


All These Paparazzis

Please Stop The Time

The Technology Trap

The Cycle

We Know Nothing



Krzysztof Wyrwa - bass , fretless 

Grzegorz Fieber - drums

Marcin Kruczek -guitars

Ryszard Kramarski – vocals ,keyboards, acoustic & electric guitars



Label: Lynx Music

NOŚNIK: CD digipack


Bar code: 5904653776211


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